Camborne, Church Street And St Martin's Church 1930
Photo ref: 83146
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A Selection of Memories from Camborne

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How amazing to see this photo of Camborne Nursing Home where I was born in 1949! Sadly now, as with so many places, turned into flats. On the opposite corner is Elmhurst Preparatory School my first proper school in 1954! All my family are from Camborne. We lived in Trelowarren Street and my Mum’s brother, Treve owned his own radio shop (Rowling Radio) in the town. Prior to that my grandfather (Isaac Stanley ...see more
My sister and I attended this school. I left in 1964/5 having failed my 11+, my younger sister staying till we moved to South London in 1967. When we were there Miss Blight was headteacher, Mrs Blight a teacher and Jennifer Blight was head girl. My friend Catherine Attlee also attended the school. Catherine had a horse which I managed to fall off and broke my arm. Miss Blight made Catherine take the ...see more
My father in law grew up in Cornwall in the 1920's he was Desmond Rowe and had a sister born 1923 called Cynthia Joan Rowe, his mother was Maud Mary Rowe and they lived in No 1 New Row in Treskillard, I have been researching the family now for 20 years and have lots of information but sadly no photo's, does anyone remember them or are there relatives that would be willing to talk to me. He was fond of Cornwall ...see more
Does anyone remember if there were teachers called Mr Alder, Miss Crabtree, Miss Cooke and Miss MacLeod at the school circa 1941?