Childhood Memories
A Memory of Brynmawr.
I have very fond memories of Brynmawr. It was my fathers family home. His name was Len Purslow. The family lived in George st. As a child until the age of 14 every year we visited for two weeks in the school holidays.
We stayed with my father's brother and sister who's names were William and Violet Purslow. They lived at number 11 and another brother, Cliff lived at number 8 with his wife, my auntie Ceinwyn.
Another brother my uncle Ted had the Cafe Royal, next to the Cinema and market place where he lived with his wife, my auntie May. They had two children, Elwyn and Dorothy. My father's elder sister Mary Jane (known as Jinny )lived up the Dingle, as it was called then with her husband Dai Burrows. They had three children, Gladys Mary and Elvert.
These memories are from the 1950/60s.
Their father I think, was a Deacon of the church in his day. I have an old post card which l think dates back to the 1930s of him in the foreground of some sort of procession in the town square.
It would be lovely if anyone has a grandparent or relative that might remember any of them.
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As a child I lived at 45 George Street, Brynmawr with my brother and parents from 1943 (as a baby) until 1955 when we were rehoused in a council flat at Hill Crest, the other side of King Street. I still remember some of the names in the street, John Purslow being one, who was much older than us kids. He was not a friend because he was more or less grown up to us, but I do remember him having a scuffle with another resident named Sidney Newman one day. In fact I remember him as being nick-named John "Percy". I can't remember the family so I'm afraid that's all I can offer but we had a happy childhood there and George Street was a friendly community where most people knew everybody. We had the Coronation Street party in the West End Garage because of the weather. Mr Brown cleared all the cars out and put down sawdust on the floor. The neighbours I remember best would be the Williams, Morgan, Jacobs, Chislett, Bush, Spackman, Butterworth, Garrett, Suter, Farr, Sheppard. Mr and Mrs Bush had shops in town, namely butchers and green grocers in Lower Bailey Street. Their son Howard was a playmate who had an older brother John. Gerwyn Williams and David Farr were also friends. Our first friend was the girl next door, Marjorie Davies who I think, lived with her grand parents. I wonder where they are now, the youngsters I mean, of course. I am the only one left in my family
as my parents are long gone and my brother Jim died ten years ago, greatly missed.
Best wishes,
Robert Watkins