Brancaster, The Harbour c.1950
Photo ref: B401306
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A Selection of Memories from Brancaster

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Brancaster

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My earlies memories center around the Barrow Common area of Brancaster, Many of you probably do not beilieve in such things, but at this time as a family, our lives were profoundly affected by these happenings. If you are interested, the details are at
We lived in the village pub The Lifeboat Inn.  I remember being flooded and all the beer barrels floating in the cellar, mum cooking mussels given in lieu of beer, which were left in the bath and climbed up the wall and had to be knocked off with a shoe!  Fred from the Hall bringing pheasant and buckets of cream, the visiting circus in the village hall opposite, with a moth eaten toothless lion!!! ...see more