Bowness On Solway, Main Street c.1955
Photo ref: B688008X
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A Selection of Memories from Bowness-on-Solway

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bowness-on-Solway

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i am researching Brian Haslam DFC and wife Cherry..i have visited the graveyard on occasions but never been able to find them. Any idea how I find them please.. researching for family member..thank you
I was born in Bowness in Homestead Cottage which was next to the post office. The cottage had been the village shop, and was bought by my parents Harold and Marian Brown and converted into a home. Ada Stafford ran the post office. She was a lovely lady and I kept in touch with her until the end of her life in her 90's. My grandparents farmed at North Plain. Electricity had not made ...see more
My father was raised in Bowness on Solway. His father lived in the cottage in the street. My grandfather, Mr John Stafford, was one of the men who used to go 'Haafnet fishing' so it was good to visit and stroll down the same roads my ancestors trod.
My paternal great grandmother Mary Annie Hutchinson was buried at St Michael's church on March 26th 1945. There is a reference to it in the church's Monthly Magazine for May 1945. Also referenced in the same magazine is an acknowledgement of donations to the churchyard fund in appreciation from her children, Mr C Hutchinson, Mr G Hutchinson and Mrs S Thirlwell. The last named was my grandmother, ...see more