Beckenham, Abbey School, Cricket Match 1899
Photo ref: 43387A
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A Selection of Memories from Beckenham

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Beckenham

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I believe this photo is of the Holy Trinity Church, on the corner of Lennard Rd (spelling incorrect above) and Cator Rd. Opposite was a church hall, where I attended Brownies. I think some of the other comments may refer to a different Holy Trinity church.
My father Sid Ford used to take the Muirhead swimming club. He did it for years during the 1950's. My father was the Assistant Suprintendent of Beckenham Swimming Baths and worked there for forty six years until he retired in the 1970's.
I'm pretty sure the name of the shop was "Importers" as a kid I was fascinated by the contraption in the window - all chain driven wheels whirling round and round and every so often someone placing or removing one of the canisters that held the beans - probably could have stood there all day had not my mother dragged me away to do shopping. As far as I remember (and could well be utterly wrong here) you couldn't ...see more
I passed my scholarship exams and when I was nearly 11, I started at the Beckenham County Grammar School as it was then called, in Copers Cope road. However as there were too many of us the first years classes were held at the Cricket Pavilion in Cater park? I lived just inside the 5 mile limit from The School at Eden Park, which prevented my parents getting help with travel costs - so I was given a ...see more