Arlesey, Post Office c.1965
Photo ref: A160003
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A Selection of Memories from Arlesey

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In the mid 50s my grandparents moved from Bedwas S Wales on retiring from the local colliery. He chose Arlesey and moved in next door to his sister, Olwen, on Station Rd no 21. I also had another great aunt, Beatrice, she lived over the line and down the lane and had about 200 chickens and some pigs. I loved the smell of the hot mash but didn't like searching for eggs in the field between the lane and the river. Aunty ...see more
Alma Allen was born at home in Asylum Road, Arlesey, now called Hospital Road. They later moved in with Herbert's dad, Big Jim, who lived in the Gothic Farm House that was at the bottom of the yet to be built Lynton Avenue. One day her little brother George got out and was found cuddling the huge shire horse's leg. This obviously frightened them, but she said the horse stood dead still and never moved a muscle, ...see more
I remember Arlesey with great affection where I lived in Hospital Road from 1941 to 1950. I attended the village school next to the Three Tuns pub, leaving at 14 to become a trainee lab. assistant in the path. lab. of the local Fairfield Hospital and gained the nick name, "professor" from my old school mates. Entertainment was the Cosy cinema, a corrugated iron building at the end of Hospital Road. Across the railway ...see more
I was a patient in Fairfield Hospital in 1969 and I made many friends in there with other patients and also with workers who lived in Arlesey. They all helped in my recovery and I am 75 now and have never looked back. Thanks Arlesy.