Anderby Creek, Rose's Stores c.1955
Photo ref: A210044M
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A Selection of Memories from Anderby Creek

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My father built the square flat roofed house called Beverley on the sand dunes in the late 1920s next to the bungalow by the creek. It has since had two refurbishments, the first of which included a conventional roof. I visited the house with my grandfather following the 1953 disastrous high tide. Between the house and a 30ft drop there was just one row of slabs. We stood on ...see more
I spent the whole of the school summer holidays working on Manor Farm at Anderby from 1947 to 1951. Each evening and all weekends were spent at Anderby creek with Harrisons Stores as base. Bob Harrison used to get me a weekly supply of cigarettes which were kept behind the counter and collected on Saturday (Pay Day!) If I ran short in the meantime he could usualy rustle up a packet of Grande Turque or Pasha ...see more
The store with the petrol pumps in this photograph was owned from at leat the early 1950s to the late 70's by a couple, originally from Leicester, called Bob and Grace Harrison. In the season, opening hours were around 6am to 11pm, and the store sold just about everything.