Wembley, Park Drive c.1960
Photo ref: W314022
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A Selection of Memories from Wembley

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Wembley

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We lived opposite Barham Park. Great place for playing, catching newts in the pond, throwing "bangers" at the park keepers. Remember watching Wembley FC at Vale Farm and swimming in the open air pool. Art deco stations at Sudbury Town and Sudbury Hill. Incredible to think that there were 3 cinemas in Wembley in the 1960s. Wembley Market. Wally Kilminster for football and cricket gear ...see more
I remember perrin road infants and juniorschool. I started school After easter 1953. My first real memory is being taken around the streets of Wembley. Miss Law was the headmistress of the infants and our classrooms were cabins the playground. Miss Ling was my first teacher. When we went up into the Juniors, we went into the old part of the school which still had gas lighting the teacher turning out the lights with a ...see more
I lived in Sudbury, Wembley and went to Sudbury primary then Wembley girls grammar We lived in Medway Gardens and had family in Beaumont Avenue. Remember the swimming pool and going to ballet classes with Suzanne Cash? Also going to De Marcos after school and getting fruit and veg from Henry Cooper. This site has brought back happy memories.
Hello, do you happen to remember the name of the Optician in Wembley Square near Bernard's sports shop?