Nostalgic memories of Henbury's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 7 Memories

I was moved to Henbury, to Sheepwood Road to be exact with my mum and Dad. Blaise School was a lovely junior school, but it was there that I was first told about my singing voice. Two of us were asked not sing as we were "growlers" - just one of those fifties things. Henbury School in the sixties made me proud, first Mr Luget and then Mr Bayne-Jardine made us proud to be at ...see more
I have memories of Miss Holden at Henbury Church School. She was lovely. After that it was a move to The Manor school, where the infamous Mr Freke would use a ruler over our young knuckles if we broke some rule. My final school in the area was Henbury Court Junior and Miss Weeks was the teacher. She was quite strict, but fair, and had a twinkle in her eye. I think she lived somewhere behind the library at Westbury. She ...see more
I was in her class when we were at the old police station, absolutely hated this teacher, as did my brother Alan jones. She put me off school for life.
I spent many a good Sunday in Blaise with my friends June & Pam Box in the 60's with our trannies, behive hairdo's and fags checking out the lads and playing the latest top twenty, was it Pick of the Pops? We lived in Tormarton Crescent, many very Happy Memories of Henbury, now its resembles a war zone.
I was a Junior pupil at this school in 1947 - 1948. Fond memories, as some of my older cousins also attended the school at the same time. Having previously attended Hallen Village School, which was basically one room of mixed pupils and a pot bellie stove in the centre of the room for heating, and outside toilets. Lunch was sandwiches from home and the milk was delivered by the ...see more
This was my school untill 1959/1960, the one teacher I always remember is Mrs Ellis, we also had lessons in what used to be a police station, our tuck shop was in one of the cells. I remember once a year, I think it was Lent, we used to have a service then hold hands around the church, sing a song, then had rest of day off.
During the fifties my friends and I spent many an hour in the woods and playing around the castle, during our school holidays we would be up there from dawn till dusk a few sandwiches and a bottle of water, those were the days. Many of the old photos bring back memories. My sister and I had to go to Henbury church for Sunday School, the photo of Hallen Road shows the old police station, I can't remember it as a ...see more