Nostalgic memories of Featherstone's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 22 in total

I was born in 1953 and lived on Dickinson terrace ,my gran and grandad owned a grocery shop at the top of station lne there were three shops ours was the middle one.One of the other shops was a fish and chip shop. The time we lived on Dickinson Terrace i remember the neighbours at one side there was Mrs Attak at the other was Mrs Hufton ,she had son called derek and a Daughter called linda and next door to them ...see more
Photo is taken on Cutsyke Road, opposite where Bradley Arms pub (was?) with entrance to Church Lane just to left of photo. I moved to Church Lane in 1960 when I was 2 as my Mum and Dad took over North Featherstone Post Office (Allan & Margaret Shepherd). We left there in 1979. Mum recently passed away in Dec 2014. Would love to know what happened to locals / neighbours. Mum and Dad knew loads due to ...see more
She was born in 1906 and her name was Mary Alice emery and she lived at 34 Stanley street.she eventualy moved to London where I was born in 1993. She often told the tale of a lizzey butterworth who used to go to all the funerals for a good feed.
I lived at Willow Lane in the mid fifties and I was in the local hospital there which I think was called Hayton Hospital(but not sure of the spelling or area) Can anyone remember this please or where I could maybe find a photograph. I remember there was a large house across the road from us with a long pathway. The children used to say it was the old witch house and would dare each other to get the furthest up the path to the house.
My grandfather, Reginald (Reg) Bettley, was the local Funeral Director who lived at 36 Green Lane. I still have his car number plate - OYG1. I remember the Doctor's house and surgery that was just up the road. I lived in Featherstone from 1956, after my father died, until the start of 1962, when my grandfather retired. I recall a communal bonfire around 5 November and playing on the spoil heaps, some of ...see more
I was born in No 6 Pretoria Street in 1944 remember playing 'touch & pass' on cinders at top of the street near Ossies field. Fred Perry, Terry Jepson, Jud Gray, Les Lockett, Jud Watton & many more. We were always hanging round Welfare & down Green Lane. I remember swimming in the Resser. Went to Gordon Street, also remember John Kearsley & most of the other teachers; Eric Batten was head ...see more
I was brought up on Ackworth Road opposite the Park. The park was my playground from being about 4. I remember Mr Cole the park-keeper ,the grotty toilets and the old men's cosy corner.
What a joy to read all the memories. I lived in the terrace houses down the side of the Welfare, leaving when I was 12 to live in the new Coal Board estate. All my childhood was spent playing down Green Lane on the pit stacks, walking round Ackton and sometimes venturing up to Purston Park. We used to go down and paddle in the 'reser' down even though there were sometimes the odd dumped dead dog in there! Cannot ...see more
I lived in Streethouse but when I was 4 we moved to the newish estate at the top of the 'Knob' (North Featherstone). We lived at 49 Manor Drive, next door to the Simkins. My dad was a miner at Sharlston and Snydale collieries. We moved to 23, Leatham Park Road in Purston, sometime in the 1950s. I went to Purston C of E, then South Featherstone Secondary Modern, old mates were Tim Rhodes, Len Saunders, Mo ...see more
I can hardly believe this; I've just looked at this website for the first time, and see a comment from someone who lived at the police station from 1953. Would you believe, so did I! My father was based there and we lived in the police station house for a year or so; it must have been us who moved out to accommodate the family of your other correspondent! As I recall, we moved out a few days before the ...see more