Personalised Nostalgic Local History Books Made in Britain logo

Hundreds of nostalgic photo books about Britain. Twelve fascinating ranges to enjoy, all printed to order and lavishly illustrated with our high quality photographs. From books depecting life as it was in the first half of the 20th Century to a more recent step back in time to the 1960s, via recipes, trivia and poetry - there's sure to be something which will whet your reading apetite. Many of our books can be personalised for free with your own text on the title page to make a perfect gift for birthday's, Christmas and other celebrations.

Nostalgic Local Photo Books

The perfect, personalised gift

Add a dedication to the title page

Add a personal dedication to the title page - free of charge. Most of our books are printed individually to order. You can add a personal message when you buy that will be printed on the title page at no extra cost, making our books a great gift or keepsake. This is a great option for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and leaving or retirement.

Search for local nostalgia books about your favourite places in Britain.

Browse Our Book Ranges

Over 2 million books sold since 1999

A History & Celebration


Compare the past with the more recent and celebrate our Nation's heritage!

Photographic Memories


Our popular range of local books featuring photos prior to the 1960s.

County Memories


Content-rich titles for a real insight into the past.

A Taste Of Britain


Nostalgic Recipes to whet your appetite.

Town & City Memories


A great mix of photos centring on specific locations around the UK.

Collected Memories


Memories from our website visitors, inspired by the Frith archive.

Living Memories


British life and landscapes within living memory.

Flavours Of...


Take a delightful dip into local flavours and food.

Did You Know?


Fascinating local facts, regional dialect, ghost stories, local recipes, sporting anecdotes and a quiz on local history.

Large Prestige Books


Large prestige books covering the UK and lavishly illustrated with photographs from The Francis Frith Collection.

Prestige Books


Smaller Coffee table style books covering the UK and lavishly illustrated with photographs from The Francis Frith Collection.

General Interest


More general titles based around a theme - the clue really is in the title!

Poetry Books


A great blend of classic poetry with stunning Frith photographs.

Stock Books

Larger books, covering more general interests and available from stock

" I ordered a book with a personalised touch (from my youngest kids to their grandma). Having the option to personalise is one of the reasons I bought it. It was promptly delivered, no fuss, no delays. An absolutely beautiful pictorial historical account of my Mum's home town, which I am sure she will be delighted with.

Thank you very much Francis Frith."

Michael Berryman

What people say:

Added 10th November 2022

Excellent Service!

I ordered two books from Frances Frith, they came in two days, very quick service, books were very well packaged and arrived in excellent condition. Will be using them again in the future

Added 16th November 2022

Perfect Gift

The product was exactly what I was looking for. And to be able to have a free inscription printed inside has made it so very special. It is printed in a beautiful script too. One very happy customer, thank you so much

Added 3rd November 2022

These books are excellent pull of fabulous pictures and great information plus excellent price

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